Thursday, December 14, 2006

Shape2Earth : GIS for Google Earth

What is Shape2Earth?

Shape2Earth is an easy to use application that converts shapefiles to Keyhole Markup Language (KML) for viewing in Google Earth. Users can quickly and easily customize how their data looks to create high quality visualizations in today's premier Earth visualization browser.

Why use Shape2Earth?

There are many applications available today that convert GIS data into KML, but they all require the use of additional GIS, CADD, or other expensive software before you even purchase the KML converter. Shape2Earth requires no additional cost or software, making it by far the lowest cost solution for creating customized KML for viewing in Google Earth.

Why Shapefiles?

There are thousands of freely available shapefiles that can be downloaded and turned into KML using Shape2Earth. Shapefiles have become the standard for posting geospatial data on the Web. Nearly all geospatial applications can read and write shapefiles.

Where can I get Shape2Earth?

Shape2Earth Version 1.0 has been released as shareware and is available at

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am looking for a conversion program that will allow me to convert points, lines, or polygons drawn in Google Earth from KML file format to a shapefile format.

If you have any suggestions, please email me (Kevin Price) at